A veneer can be placed on your teeth and can correct esthetic problems or the results of an injury and help give the patient the natural smile they have always wanted. Our doctors have the artistic and cosmetic ability to create the beautiful, youthful smile you have always wanted. Please contact our office for a consultation appointment to see how porcelain veneers can rejuvenate and enhance your smile.
What is a porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers, also known as ceramic veneers or laminates are ultra-thin. They have custom made facings that are bonded to tooth structure to improve and restore function and or appearance. The porcelain material is known for having the ability to mimic natural tooth structure better than any other material. This material allows Dr.Omari the ability to stay conservative maintaining as much tooth structure as possible while still achieving the cosmetic natural looking results desired by our patients.
Our Dr’s work really hard to recreate the translucency and colors of nature. Here at Rainforest dental we use the highest quality porcelain veneers to ensure our patients gets the best experience with the best results.